Small Boats Regatta

Small Boats Regatta 2012

The Small Boats Regatta 2012 took place Monday 23rd - Wednesday 25th April.

The final results are now available. Congratulations to this year's winners.

Bushe-Fox Freshman's Sculls (Men) Clare (Hunt)
Delafield Championship Sculls (Women) Pembroke (Railton)
Fairbairn Junior Sculls (Men) Emmanuel (Kenyon)
Fairbairn Junior Sculls (Women) Trinity Hall (Machin)
Foster-Fairbairn Pairs (Men) Caius (Beck-Lloyd)
Foster-Fairbairn Pairs (Women) Caius (Richards-Lechner)
Lowe Double Sculls (Men) Peterhouse (Two Fat ladies)
Lowe Double Sculls (Mixed) Pembroke-St. Catharine's (Railton-Kerr)
Lowe Double Sculls (Women) Pembroke (Maw-Game)
Maiden Sculls (Women) Trinity Hall (Archer)
Peter Brandt Sculls (Men) Christ's (Longman)

The Colquhoun Sculls 2012 were won by Chris Kerr of St. Catharine's.

Small Boats Regatta 2011

The Small Boats Regatta 2011 took place Monday 25th - Wednesday 27th April.

The winners of each event are listed below and full results are available here.

Bushe-Fox Freshman’s Sculls Girton (Blackwell)
Delafield Championship Sculls Downing (Polgreen)
Fairbairn Junior Sculls (Men) Fitzwilliam (Marron)
Fairbairn Junior Sculls (Women) First and Third (Robson)
Foster-Fairbairn Pairs (Men) Jesus (Hardy-Tran-Viet)
Foster-Fairbairn Pairs (Women) Dead heat between Jesus (Hall-McRae) and Jesus (Laurenson-Smith)
Lowe Double Sculls (Men) Caius (Walker-Thorp)
Lowe Double Sculls (Women) Pembroke/Peterhouse (Allen-Railton)
Lowe Double Sculls (Mixed) Fitzwilliam (Fell-Foxwell)
Magdalene Silver Pairs Caius/Queens' (Mildon-Carson)
Maiden Sculls Newnham (Ball)
Peter Brandt Sculls Emmanuel (Kenyon)

The Colquhoun Sculls were won by Chris Kerr (St. Catharine’s).

Those who have not yet been awarded medals may collect them before the Captains’ Meeting at 5pm this Sunday 1st May in the Umney Lounge, Robinson College.

Congratulations to the winning crews and thank you to all competitors for a good few days' racing.

Small Boats Regatta 2010

Final results are now available.

Thank you to all competitors, marshals and umpires for a good few days of racing.

Congratulations to the following event winners:

Event Winner(s) Club
Delafield Championship Sculls Ro Bradbury Jesus
Fairbairn Junior Sculls (men) Moritz Schramm Fitzwilliam
Fairbairn Junior Sculls (women) Ulrike Bauer First and Third
Forster Fairbairn Pairs (men) Alex Thomson
Henry Hughes
Lowe Double Sculls (men) Tom Coker
Charles Pitt Ford
First and Third
Lowe Double Sculls (mixed) Peter Ford
Ro Bradbury
First and Third
Lowe Double Sculls (women) Bridget Senior
Zoe Rutterford
St. Edmunds
Magdalene Silver Pairs (men) Steve Purvis
Matt O'Connor
Magdalene Silver Pairs (women) Anne Hempel
Rachel Croft
First and Third
Maiden Sculls Kristen Foxwell Fitzwilliam
Peter Brandt Sculls Dave Mackenzie Fitzwilliam
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