Notes and Fines

Notes and fines from the umpires will be posted here as the week's racing progresses.

​Fines can be appealed by e-mailing Dr Dan Wilkins, CUCBC Senior Treasurer (fines[at] within 48 hours.


Notes from the Umpires

  • Thank you to all crews for being generally safe and sensible during racing - making today one of the smoothest days of bumps in recent memory
  • Some reminders to all crews: Please ensure you are on time to marshalling - further lateness will incur fines
  • All crews should row down promptly upon being pushed out from marshalling, and should row full crew, full slide when possible.
  • All crews are responsible for their bank parties and ensuring that they are kept to 4 members only - running bank parties are not allowed under any circumstances
  • We have had a set of keys and some headphones handed in to control. Please come to control and provide a description if they are yours.
  • Marshalling crews at Chesterton: please start getting into your boat when racing crews start coming past you. This allows us to push you off as soon as possible and make up time if need be.
  • Practice starts at the Plough must be kept to a maximum countdown of 10 seconds, and please prepare promptly for your start (no coaching advice please). This notice constitutes instructions from marshals and any infringements will incur fines.
  • A number of items were handed to control.


  • Anglia Ruskin Illegal crew submitted - £50 and removed from start order
  • Anglia Ruskin Failure to provide Marshal - £15
  • Anglia Ruskin Failure to attend coxes briefing - £50
  • Caius M1 Foul language - £20
  • Caius M1 Failure to stop at railway bridge - £20
  • Caius W1 Excessive bank party - £30
  • Caius W2 Running bank party - £30
  • Churchill M3 Early celebration - £20
  • Clare Hall W2 Excellent coxing to avoid bumping crews - Commendation
  • CUCBC Toddler - Public Urination (on former Hon Sec) Coxing Rep to supply apology drinks
  • Emmanuel M1 Foul and abusive language - £30
  • Emmanuel M2 Dropped bung, no advantage - £15
  • First and Third M1 Serious failure to concede - £50
  • First and Third W2 Instructing other crew to concede - £20
  • Girton Failure to provide Marshal - £15
  • Girton W2 Failure to hold it up upon bumping - £30
  • Homerton M1 Excessive bank party -£30
  • Jesus W2 Superb and safe steering - Commendation
  • Lady Margaret M3 Handheld filming - £75 - second offence will incur penalty bumps
  • Lady Margaret M3 Ignoring umpires instructions - £30
  • Lady Margaret M5 Failure to attend coxes briefing - £50
  • Magdalane W1 Slow clearing - £20
  • Magdalene M3 Boating without a lifejacket - £50
  • Magdalene M3 Easying upon being bumped - £20
  • Magdalene W1 Public Urination - £85
  • Magdalene W1 Public Urination (in addition to above) - £85
  • Magdalene W2 Abject failure to clear - £50
  • Magdalene W3 Easying upon being bumped - £30
  • Murray Edwards Excellent Marshalling ensuring prompt practice starts at plough -Commendation
  • Pembroke M3 Avoiding a collision with bumping crew in front - Commendation
  • Queens W2 Handheld filming - £75 - second offence will incur penalty bumps
  • Robinson M1 Failure to hold it up upon bumping - £20
  • Robinson M1 Early celebration - £20
  • Robinson M1 Foul language - £20
  • Robinson M2 Dropped bung, no advantage - £15
  • Selwyn W3 Slow clearing - £25
  • Sidney Sussex W2 Failure to hold it up upon bumping - £20
  • St Catharines M1 Excellent clearing to avoid a checkmate  - Commendation
  • St Catharines M2 Practice start at railway bridge - £20
  • Trinity Hall W2 Excessive greenery - Plant a tree


Notes from the Umpires:

  • It is not acceptable to pressure any CUCBC official/umpire to award a bump
  • Crews heading home (unless otherwise instructed) MUST stop at the railway Bridge to allow the next division to marshal
  • Crews getting back into boats to marshal down need to be ready to push off immediately, and should number off once in the boat, not when instructed to push off


  • Caius W3 Failure to Clear - £30
  • Caius W3 Failure to hold it up upon bumping - £20
  • Caius W4 Late to Marshalling -£15
  • Clare W2 Handheld Filming - £75 - second offence will incur penalty bumps
  • Corpus M1 Illegal Practice Start - £25
  • CUCBC Hon Sec Telling the Medics in March "the weather is much better for Mays" – Buy committee umbrellas for Saturday
  • Emmanuel M4 Public Urination - £85
  • Emmanuel M4 Public Urination (in addition to above) - £85
  • Emmanuel W2 Instructing umpire to award bump - £20
  • Emmanuel W4 Boating without a lifejacket - £50
  • Homerton Failure to provide Marshal - £15
  • Lady Margaret M4 Failure to row on upon being bumped - £25
  • Lucy Cavendish Removed log from river - Commendation
  • Lucy Cavendish M2 Failure to hold it up upon bumping - £20
  • Peterhouse M2 Failure to hold it up upon bumping -£30
  • Queens' W1 Excessive Bank Party - £30
  • Robinson Marshal Reported Late - £5
  • Robinson M2 Late Concession - £20
  • Selwyn M2 Early Celebration - £20
  • Selwyn M2 Extremely dangerous coxing - rowing into a stationary crew - £75, Bump disallowed, cox removed from river for the remaining days of May Bumps.
  • Sidney Sussex M3 Dropped bung, slight advantage - £20
  • St Edmund's M1 Handheld Filming - £75 - second offence will incur penalty bumps
  • The Weather - Confusing Mays with Lents - Sunny warm weather for Lents as recompense
  • Trinity Hall W2 Foul and abusive language from bank party - £75
  • Wolfson M1 Excessive coxing off the practice start - Use reinforced rudder wires next time
  • Wolfson W1 Boating without a lifejacket - £50


Notes from the Umpires:

  • There are currently raised levels of e.coli in the river - crews are advised not to jump or throw anyone into the water
  • ​Crews are reminded that swapping coxes and rowers on the row home is strongly discouraged, and will be fined if they impede bumps activities 
  • A reminder to all crews that all times are 2 hours earlier tomorrow
  • While we endeavour to provide toilet facilities at Control, these are running out of supplies unusually quickly so it may be useful to bring a toilet roll in case they run out during tomorrow!
  • Reminder that practice starts must be prompt and countdowns just not exceed 10 seconds
  • ​Coxes must pay close attention to the crews around them, both ahead and behind, and both respond rapidly and stay in control of their crews as soon as an acknowledgement occurs or a bump is given. Coxes should also acknowledge immediately and clearly as soon as a bump happens
  • Headship medals will be available from control after racing concludes


  • Anglia Ruskin Failure to Provide a Marshal (2nd Offence) £30
  • Caius M2 Foul and abusive language - £20 
  • Caius W2 Failure to follow umpire's instructions (practice start countdown) - £15
  • Christ's M1 Dropped bung, no advantage - £15
  • Clare Hall Foul language - £20
  • Clare M1 Failure to row on upon being bumped - £20
  • Clare W4 Coordinated YMCA on start line - Start a dance troupe
  • CUCBC events sec Legless at gazebo - Sober up by tomorrow
  • CUCBC safety officer Banging head against lamp - Grow hair for protection
  • Emmanuel M4 Dropped bung, no advantage - £15
  • Fitzwilliam M1 Abuse of official - £20
  • Fitzwilliam M2 Good steering to avoid bumped out crews ahead - Commendation
  • Girton M2 Dangerous failure to hold it up upon bumping - £75
  • Girton M2 Abject failure to clear - £50
  • Girton W1 Forgot poler, no advantage - Bottle of wine for CUCBC Hon Sec
  • Lucy Cavendish Singing - Provide backup vocals to Clare's dance troupe
  • Lucy Cavendish M2 Failure to hold it up upon bumping - £20
  • Medics Shooing swans from tent - Provide animal whispering services next year
  • Newnham W1 Exceptional flexibility to retain bung - Commendation
  • Peterhouse M2 Early celebration - £20
  • Robinson M2 Dropped bung, no advantage - £15
  • Selwyn W2 Dropped bung on abortive pushout - Warning
  • Selwyn W2 Dangerous coxing - £40
  • Sidney Sussex Failure to provide a Marshal - £15
  • Sidney Sussex M1 Failure to follow Umpires instructions (practice start countdown) - £15
  • Sidney Sussex M2 Dangerous coxing - £50
  • St Catharine's W3 Dropped bung, slight advantage - £20
  • St Edmund's M1 15 second countdown at plough - £20
  • St Edmund's W1 Slow clearing - £20
  • Trinity Hall W2 Excessive bank party - £15
  • Wolfson W2 Failure to clear - £30





  • Many thanks to all the marshals, participants, umpires and allied parties in making this one of the most successful Bumps, with only one checkmated division and no re-rows.
  • Congratulations to LMBC and Caius who have achieved headship
  • A number of items have been left at control, if you have lost property please email the committee.

Some fantastic lines were taken on Saturday, and some excellent decisions were made to avoid tricky situations. CUCBC thanks all coxes who steered this week. In particular, the following crews received commendations at control yesterday:                         

  • Emmanuel M2 - Excellent coxing around Grassy to avoid cleared crews
  • Girton M1 - Excellent coxing around Grassy  to avoid cleared crews
  • Jesus W3 - Excellent coxing to avoid boats
  • Sidney M3 - Excellent coxing to avoid a collision with a stationary crew, straighten up and restart
  • Trinity Hall W1 - Excellent coxing around Ditton
  • Queens W3 - Excellent coxing to avoid collision by conceding


  • Caius Failure to provide Marshal - £15
  • Caius M1 Failure to stop at railway bridge - £20
  • Caius M1 Late Concession - £20
  • Caius M1 Failure to follow Umpires instructions - £15
  • Caius M3 Incompetent coxing - cox swap - £30
  • Caius W3 Late to Marshalling - £15
  • Christ's M1 Excessive bank party - £30
  • Christ's M1 Excessive bank party in addition to above - £45
  • Christ's M1 Reckless cycling - insufficient control on towpath due to bugling while cycling - £40
  • Christ's W1 Boating without a lifejacket - £50
  • Churchill Failure to provide Marshal - £15
  • Clare Hall M1 Failure to hold it up upon bumping - £20
  • Clare Hall M1 Boating without a lifejacket - £50
  • Clare W2 Loss of cox’s bucket hat while racing - Club to wear black armbands for Lents in mourning.
  • Corpus W1 Incompetent coxing - cox swap - £30
  • CUCBC Coxing Rep Failure to retain Bucket Hat - Bring strings to Lents
  • CUCBC Ducksy Good show - we'll get you next year    
  • Darwin W1 Dropped Bung, no advantage  - £15
  • Downing M1 Early Celebration - £20
  • Downing W2 Late to Marshalling - £15
  • Emmanuel W3 Late to Marshalling - £15
  • Fitzwilliam M1 Early Celebration - £20
  • Fitzwilliam M1 Abject failure to clear - £50
  • Girton M2  Incompetent coxing - cox swap - £30
  • Jesus Failure to provide Marshal - £15
  • Jesus M3 Failure to follow Umpires instructions (practice start countdown) - £15
  • Jesus W1 Dangerous Failure to Clear - £75
  • Jesus W1 Dangerous Coxing - £75
  • Kings W1 Failure to row on upon being bumped - £20
  • LMBC M2 Failure to follow Umpires instructions (practice start countdown) - £15
  • Lucy Cavendish Incompetent Marshal - £10
  • Lucy Cavendish M2 Offensively large flag - Bring a sail to Lents
  • Lucy Cavendish M2 Instructing other crew to concede - £20
  • Magdalene Failure to provide Marshal - £15
  • Magdalene M1 Early Celebration - £20
  • Pembroke Failure to provide Marshal - £15
  • Pembroke W1 Foul Language - £20
  • Peterhouse M3 Public Urination - £85
  • Peterhouse W1 Foul and abusive language from bank - £20
  • Queens W3 Late to Marshalling - £15
  • Sidney Sussex Boating without a lifejacket - £50
  • St Catharine's M1 Dropped bung, no advantage - £15
  • St Catharine's W2 Extremely dangerous coxing - rowing into a stationary crew - £75, penalty bump, cox would have been banned for the remainder of May Bumps had there been further racing this year
  • St Catharine's W2 Late to Marshalling - £15
  • St. Edmund's W1 Foul language  - £20
  • Wolfson W2 Incompetent coxing - cox swap - £30

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